What is happening in Iran?

What the hell is happening in Iran?

A brief history

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Copy Pasted from this website

Why Now?

For decades, gender inequality and discrimination against women have been legally enshrined in Iran.

Under Iran's Islamic Penal Code, Iranian women's rights are severely restricted, a form of gender apartheid. Women must comply with the Islamic Republic’s mandatory hijab laws from the onset of puberty, and they are unequal in matters of marriage, divorce, custody, inheritance and more. In the Fall of 2022, hundreds of protesters, including dozens of children, have been killed by Iranian authorities. These nation‑wide protests were triggered by the tragic death of 22 year old Mahsa Jina Amini who died in police custody after being arrested by Iran’s “morality police” for failing to properly cover her hair.

Woman Life Freedom Site

Link: https://www.womanlifefreedom.today/

website created by VitalVoices (an official nonprofit created by hillary clinton and co. to support women) and For Freedoms (political platform for artists) 


features an "about" where it talks about the "gender appartheid" in iran and the issues with it. It seems like there was a petition that ppl could sign but that has ended now. 

this website offers information, "why now" 

the open letter and the leaders that made history by removing iran from the UN status of women thing

(https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/12/1131722#:~:text=The%2054%2Dmember%20UN%20Economic,year%20term%20ending%20in%202026.) for it's 4 year term (check back in 2026) 

campaign graphics supporting the women in Iran, 


^has good links to use if you remove the petition part. has good "assets" pictures you can download and use for this movement. 


will email to ask for more

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Where we are today

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